The following steps can be used to add a new user to a TerraStream instance.
Using the Front End
1. Navigate and Login: Navigate to the URL of your Ops Center (e.g and login:
2. Navigate to User Page: Navigate to the Configuration → User Management page, and select 'Add User':
3. Add User Details: Add the new user's email address, grant them the appropriate roles, and click the 'Save' button
4. Conformation: A 'Invite sent' message will appear to let you know the invite was successful:
5. User Receives Email: The new user should then receive an automated email within the next a few minutes, with their temporary password:
6. Temporary Password Rest - If the user's 7 day temporary password has been reset, this needs to be re-issued using the API endpoint (step 8 below).
Using the APIs
1. Navigate to the URL of your API Endpoints: https://api.{{provider}}
2. Login:
(A) Click the Authorize button on the page
(B) Enter your username and password (user must have admin privilidges through admin role)
(C) Clicking the Authorize Button on the modal
3. Scroll down to the Users Section
4. Expand the API details
(A) Click the arrow to open the API details
(B) Click the 'Try it out' button to
5. Call the API
(A) Modify the contents of the request body as required.
(i) Customer and provider are the recommended roles, with the full list of roles available here: https://api.{{provider}}
(B) Click the Execute button
6. Verify a 200 status code to indicate a successful response.
7. The new user should then receive an automated email within the next a few minutes:
8. Password Reset: If the temporary password needs to be reset/re-sent, execute the API endpoint again, with the field resend = true.
Alternatively the same API steps above can be accomplished programmatically, by calling the same API endpoints, via an API client such as Postman, or through a code integration.
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