As a TerraStream operator, you may have some questions about your users on the platform.
Which Users Are Active?
This can be found, by the following steps:
1. Navigate to your Operator Console
2. Navigate to the Configuration → User Management pages
At the top of the page are buttons to filter by Activated and Deactivated Users (Activated is selected by default).
Where to Find User Orders?
At times, you may wish to list all orders from a user.
This can be found, by the following steps:
1. Navigate to your Operator Console
2. Navigate to the Configuration → User Management pages
3. Click on the row, with the user you wish to list the orders for:
4. Select the 'Activity' button, to view the order history of the user:
Which User Is Spending The Most?
The aggregated metrics for each user may be useful to see who is spending the most each month.
This can be found on the Analytics Dashboard, by the following steps:
1. Navigate to your Operator Console
2. Navigate to the Analytics → Customer History page
3. Scroll down to the 'Orders Metrics per Month, Industry, Organization and User Dashboard:
The dashboard aggregates the orders for each user, by month.
The 'Total' column lists the number of orders placed by the user.
The 'Intersection' column lists the aggregated AOI size of these orders, in units of km2. The area in km2 can be multiplied by the cost per km2 for imagery, to find the total spend in $ (USD).
The list can also be filtered in descending order, so the user with the largest number of total orders, or spend (intersection) is at the top.
What User Data is for Which Source?
A Source is a specific configuration of a satellite's sensors.
If more than 1 source is available for your satellite, this will automatically be grouped separately within the Analytics Dashboard.
Below is an example of two sources "standard-70" and "standard-99", and the respective data for each:
What Requests Aren't Getting Fulfilled
User requests which aren't fulfilled can be determined by any order with the following statuses.
Archive Requests:
Tasking Requests:
To find orders with these statuses, the easiest way is using the APIs.
These can be found by the following steps:
1. Navigate to your API endpoints (e.g. api.{{your_provider_name}}
2. Authenticate
3. Scroll down to the 'List Archive Results' section, select the status to filter by, and click the 'Execute' button:
4. View the orders within the API response:
5. Repeat the same steps above, for taskings, using the 'List Tasking Requests' API endpoint:
Further information behind the different statuses is available here:
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