As a new TerraStream satellite provider, there are several steps to onboard you to the platform, which involve capturing many technical details and constraints, and using them to configure your TerraStream instance.
Step 1: Kickoff Meeting
After signing your TerraStream Partnership Agreement, a project kickoff meeting will be scheduled. The kickoff meeting will help introduce those involved in the project, as well as the project timeline broken down into milestones.
During your project kickoff meeting, you will also be asked to please help provide the following information:
Technical Details
1. Define Configuration Data
- Satellite names
- Sensor native and resampled resolution
- Details of data product (e.g. bands, wavelengths, resolution, pixel size, etc.)
2. Providing Sample STAC metadata
3. Finalize metadata format and fields
4. Provide Production Intent Product for validation (minimum 1x of each product type)
A technical summary of the following information:
1. Satellite onboard storage capacity
2. Satellite downlink speed
3. Ground Station Locations and Ground Station Provider
Non-Technical Details
The following files, or the location of where it can be obtained (e.g. existing Corporate Media Package)
1. Company Logos (.svg format, 1x light background and 1x dark background)
2. Colours/Branding (primary colours and fonts used for company marketing material)
Step 2: Implementation
Using the information above, your TerraStream instances will be created, and the necessary remaining technical work completed and validated.
Any potential open issues that arise regarding product format, metadata format, file upload, etc. will also be captured and resolved.
Step 3: Production Ready
Before your satellite's launch, your instance will be tested using the sample data provided, and all issues closed out. At this point it is ready to receive production data and users.
Step 4: Production
Once your satellite has been launched, and the commissioning phase completed, production data can be uploaded to populate your catalog, and will be available to your users.
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